Metric Views

Using reporting "views"

Within each area of the test report page, in the top-right corner, there is a corresponding "views" selector that allows you to toggle between viewing conversion metrics, engagement metrics, and subscription metrics.

  • Conversion metrics view: shows you essential metrics relating to revenue, like conversion rate, average order value, and revenue per visitor

  • Engagement metrics view: shows you metrics related to higher-funnel events like clickthrough rate, add-to-cart rate, and bounce rate

  • Subscription metrics view: if you offer subscriptions, the subscription metrics view shows the breakdown of conversion metrics by one-time purchases and first-time subscriptions, so you can easily understand how your test impacts subscription engagement

Subscription metrics

If you offer subscriptions, the subscription metrics view shows the breakdown of conversion metrics by one-time purchases and first-time subscriptions, so you can easily understand how your test impacts subscription engagement.

To view reporting on your tests for subscription apps, simply change the "View" on a particular table on the test report page to the "Subscription metrics" view.

For information on what subscription apps are supported, see Subscription Apps.

Last updated