Guide: Testing Product Properties

Testing product images or product prices with URL split testing is an advanced use case, as these elements can appear in multiple places across your site. These tests will require additional steps to set up correctly. If you ever need help conducting tests with Shoplift, our Support Team is always available to assist.

If you would like a member of our support team to build one of these tests for you, consider upgrading to our Pro plan.

How can I test product images and prices?

To test product images, prices, and other properties with URL split tests, you can duplicate a product in Shopify, edit the properties of the duplicate product to create a variant, and launch a URL split test to send some visitors to the original product and redirect other visitors to the variant product.

When testing duplicate products, make sure:

  • Original products and their duplicates share the same SKU (which should prevent any fulfillment issues)

  • All sales channels, besides Online Store, are disabled for the duplicate product

  • Reviews and other product properties are duplicated correctly

When testing duplicate products with subscriptions, make sure:

  • You do not delete any duplicate products without understanding how your subscription platform handles subscriptions of deleted items

Last updated