πŸ‘€How Shoplift Tracks Conversions

Unlike other testing platforms, setting up conversion tracking on Shoplift is completely no-code and fully automated, so you don't need to dig into your theme code to insert any scripts. If you are curious about where the tracking script lives or how it works, the below is a primer on how the various pieces function and how it's integrated with your store data.

Shoplift Web Pixel (server-side event tracking)

When you install Shoplift, a web pixel will automatically be installed on your store using Shopify's Web Pixel API, which is the officially supported method of accessing customer events throughout the customer journey.

For all tests conducted on Shoplift, we leverage server-side customer events provided by Shopify through the Web Pixel API, including pageview, cart, checkout, and order events. This ensures that the data we receive is completely accurate and inline with what's happening on your store as well as what Shopify reports in the store admin.

Server-side tracking of customer events also means that we aren't loading any unnecessary javascript into your shoppers' browsers, so tests have a near-zero impact on website performance.

Shoplift.js (client-side testing script)

Shoplift also leverages a light javascript snippet to allocate tested visitors to appropriate experiences and prevent page "flicker."

When you launch Shoplift, the javascript code required for testing will deploy to your theme automatically, so you don't have to touch any code. A small theme snippet titled shoplift.liquid will be inserted into the /snippets/ directory in your live theme, and is referenced in your theme.liquid file directly after the opening <head> tag.

If you change themes, Shoplift will detect if the testing script is present on your live theme periodically, and also each time the app is launched or a new test is launched. If the testing script is removed, then it will be redeployed automatically at one of these times.

If you modify your theme, please ensure that the code in your theme.liquid remains directly beneath the opening <head> tag, because this ensures that it can operate as quickly as possible to provide a smooth testing experience on your website.

The Shoplift tracking script has a minimal impact on pagespeed, to the tune of around a 2 point reduction when measured with Google's page performance tool.

We do not recommend removing the Shoplift script because it is required to run A/B tests. If you want to uninstall Shoplift from your store, see Uninstalling Shoplift.

Anti-flicker component

When running tests, Shoplift automatically extends the base testing script to include an "anti-flicker" component. This prevents the display of page content until all elements have fully loaded, which ensures a consistent shopper experience and prevents "page flicker" or the "blink effect" which is common with A/B testing platforms.

The anti-flicker script is lightweight and allows for optimal page speed. Within this fraction of a second, Shoplift will place users into an audience segment corresponding with test parameters.

We've optimized our anti-flicker solution to run only on actively tested pages to ensure a near-zero performance impact on your store when running tests.

Once users have been placed into one segment, they will be prevented from seeing the other variant for the duration of the test.

Compatibility with Google Optimize

Please note, if you have other anti-flicker scripts deployed on your Shopify store from apps like Google Optimize, these have been known to cause additional page loading delays. Read more about Compatibility with Google Optimize.

Last updated

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